The Hardest Thing To Break!!!

>> 20 April 2010

Diamonds are hard to find but not hard to break.
What is the hardest thing to break then?
The answer is : HABIT!

If you break the H, you still have A BIT.
If you break the A, you still have BIT.
If you break the B, you still have IT!
Hey, after you break the T in IT, there is still the 'I'.

And that 'I' is the root cause of all the problems.
Isn't it right?!
Now you know why HABIT is so hard to break!!!

1 komen:

nc 8:40 PG, April 21, 2010  

hi, thnks for the comment on CHEESE KEK :)

HABIT: wow..very true.. :)
luve this post

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